Sunday, March 31, 2013

Easter Testimony

Since it is Easter and all I thought I would write a post about Jesus Christ. I have been reading the gospels in the New Testament about the last week of the Savior's life and am in awe each time I read it of what it means for Him to be our Savior.  So much is encompassed in the Garden of Gesthemane and on the cross that it is beyond our mortal minds to truly comprehend it all, but the little we can comprehend I am truly grateful for.

I know that Jesus Christ did indeed walk upon this earth. That he came and was recognized by those who had humble hearts and minds. I know that he suffered in the Garden of Gesthemane and there took upon himself our sins. But not only our sins, our sorrows, our sadness, grief and pain that we may experience, thereby being able to understand every human emotion so in depth that he truly knows each of us and knows our trials. For this I am so grateful because we each have times when we feel like no one understand or can possibly know how we feel, but HE does. From there he was betrayed by a friend and led away to be tried. He was mocked, spit upon, whipped, and finally nailed to the cross. All without harsh words for those committing these acts against him, still being the perfect example of love and compassion. In fact he prays for these men and asks Heavenly Father to forgive them. Then he dies on the cross leaving his friends and family weeping and mourning.
I imagine Mary Magdalene as a friend who dearly misses Jesus going to sit at the tomb just to feel near him as I have done with my family after they have passed. We go to visit their resting places to feel close to them. So I imagine this is what Mary was doing.  But when she arrived the stone was rolled away and the tomb empty. She was so saddened thinking someone had taken his body. But then the most spectacular thing happened, there he was in front of her nail prints and all, a glorified resurrected being. He had just prepared the way for you and I to be able to return to live with our Father in Heaven, for each and every person to someday be able to be resurrected and return again to our Heavenly home. I can only imagine to tears of joy Mary cried as she ran to tell of the great news on that first Easter morning.

To quote a favorite hymn: I know that My Redeemer lives, what comfort this sweet sentence gives.
Jesus Christ is the Savior of the world, He is not dead, but lives and we too will live again. I testify that he knows each of us and wants us to be with Him. May we each have a blessed Easter day and celebrate it's true meaning.

Happy Easter

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