So I feel like we have been sick around here for a couple months straight. Okay this might be a bit of an exaggeration but when children are involved it really feels like it drags on and on. We have had everything that has gone around. Adalyn had the flu a couple weeks back, thankfully no one else got that and hers was mild. And we had the stomach bug when that was going around, we all go that one. And this past week and a half the girls have awful coughs and Adalyn has had a fever along with some vomiting. The worst part though, NIGHTTIME. I feel like a walking zombie, with Adalyn waking up in the middle of the night and staying up for two hours or more. So ready for warmer weather.
On that note, I feel like pediatricians are a waist of my money and time most times that I take my kids. I pay to have them listen to their lungs, look in their ears, and mouth and tell me well they just have the crud that's going around. Maybe I am just stupid and don't know what I need to take my child in for, but a nasty cough that sounds like their lungs are coming up and a fever, I assume they may have something. They didn't even test her for flu again, even though I have been hearing that it is coming back after a wek or two with a lot of people. Anywho, I really want a pediatrician that is the same each time I go and really knows my kids, so needless to say I am shopping around.
All that said today was a nice day weather wise, so we got out to enjoy!! I am looking forward to the summer time. Adalyn will be walking and we can get back out doors. Yay for that. I hate when we are so cooped up because it is so cold.
Next Saturday Adalyn turns ONE! I can't believe she is that big already. I still look at her like she's a baby until she does one of those more grown up things like climb up in a chair and sit and rock in it, or try to mimic what we say. She also likes to get markers and crayons her sister leaves down and open for her. Needless to say magic erasers are my best friend in these moments. Every mom should have a small stock of these puppies because they are a life saver at times, but be careful sometimes walls don't like them depending on the paint. Oh and I would add bleach to what you need in your home, it always makes me feel like the house is truly clean.
I'll post pictures later!
We love our family doctor, nurse practioner and staff! I can take one girl in and he checks all of us and doesn't charge extra. Dr. Mark Bonner at First Care at mission and crossover. They are wonderful! Hours are m-f 7-7 and Saturday 8-12 walkins welcome.