So there is lots to catch up on......
First, Valentines Day. Pretty low key, honestly I'm not a get me chocolate that I will devour and don't really need (not for weight purposes, but I don't need it because it's not healthy), or another stuffed animal to sit around. I do like flowers though, they are pretty and I can actually put them out and they look nice. So any who we had a pretty low key Valentines, I got a You Curl, I told Aaron I wanted one. One of my friend's Patricia told me about them and her hair looked so good I thought I would try it. Maybe I just didn't do it right but it didn't work out too well. So I took it back. We got the girls balloons and some candy. Our ceiling in our living room goes all the way to the top floor so we thought it would be fun to let one of the helium balloons go and see how long it would take to fall. Kayla thought it was pretty funny!
Sideway, but there's our balloon up there. |
I don't love the cold, but Kayla has been so eager to build a snow man. It finally snowed enough good packing snow that we made a tiny one in our bird bath. Kayla hated the snow getting packed on the bottom of her boots though, so she would get so frustrated walking around. I had to kick it off the bottom of her boots quite a bit, but all in all it was nice to actually get outside and play a bit. Plus, Aaron got to stay home. He had to work still, but we got to see him and play with him on his breaks.
Kicking the snow off |
Yesterday we had the opportunity to go to the Oklahoma City Temple. For my non-mormon friends temples are a the House of the Lord, a place we consider to be sacred and more than just a church building. Here we are able to learn more about our Heavenly Father and reflect on our lives and our part in His plan. Here's a link for you more curious souls.
We have ben trying to go to the new temple in Kansas City, MO, but we had sickness the first weekend and then I had obligations the next, then Kanas decided to have a blizzard so I just said let's just go to whatever one we can. I'm glad we decided to do this. I really enjoyed my time with just the two of us. We got to talk about all sorts of things from politics, to our jobs as parents, to spiritual things.
I wanted to mention a few things we discussed.
First, we both have political opinions and we can both be really passionate about our views on certain ones, but our ultimate conclusion was that the place in which we can do the most good in making real change in this world is within our own home. We see many people so engrossed in the newest political saga or talking point that it literally get's their blood boiling. Or others whom all they talk about it seems is this stuff (personally I feel to start arguments) I mean come on unless you know everyone who's seeing it agrees with you, you know an arguments going to happen. Anyways, my point is does all the ranting and typing and sharing really make a difference, or are you spending a lot of wasted time on that while things of more importance are slipping by unnoticed?
We also have decided to cancel cable. This is one of our ways to get our house more in order, not so much because we watch it too much, but more so because there's not much good to watch. So we are going to try apple tv and we have Netflix, so we will see how that works out. I'm betting we won't miss it much.
What things in your life are maybe not bad, but for you personally may be something you need to take a step back from? Facebook, pinterest, tv, etc... It could even be things we wouldn't consider to be bad at all, do we feel the need to have our phone always within reach or must we check it at every buzz or ding? Kind of reminds me of Pavlov's dog's. We so quickly become conditioned. Maybe take a step back and feel how it feels to not be able to be contacted or found at every moment. Now I say this all pointing the finger at myself, that's why I share these are some realizations I am coming to, thought others may need them as well.
Have a great Week!!