Thursday, August 8, 2013

July fourth and beyond

Last I wrote was in May! A lot has happened in life between now and then. But I figured I would just start with the fourth of July! Over the fourth we saw three different fireworks shows. Kayla really loves to watch them so we took all the opportunities to see them we could. We went to one with our friends in Rogers, the Farmington show, and on the Fourth with family in Springdale. 
Fireworks with friends 

Sweet Adalyn, she didn't like them too much.

First time doing a sparkler!!

Kayla wanted Westin to do some sparklers too!!

We have really been enjoying this summer. Last year we barely stepped foot outside, but it has been a mild summer for which I am grateful. We literally go outside every day and the kids love it. We have gotten to know our neighbors really well and they have two kids right around the same age as our kids. We couldn't ask for better neighbors. So needless to say we play with them a lot and spend a lot of time in the pool!!!

Kids playing in the water table

YUM! Popsicles and one sticky girl

The girls and I have also been enjoying the rainy days and playing in the rain. I loved to do that when I was a kid, so I really enjoy watching them. 

Other than that I have been trying to organize and get a lot of those "little things you want to get done around the house but always put off", done. We've patched holes, painted,  organized closets, got new shelving in the kitchen for extra storage (thanks JIm Higgins) etc... and there is still more to be done. 

In a little less than a month I will be turning 28. WOW. Time flies I really don't feel that close to 30. But we can't stop the aging process. I'm glad about this actually. We get to gain knowledge and hopefully mature a little. I didn't hate my teen years by any means, but I definitely see teens now and have to laugh that I was probably just like them in my own world all about me. I think i'll embrace getting older. 
Now for some cute pictures of my sweet ones.

She definitely gives me a run for my money.

SISTERS! Having an apple snack before bed.


Thursday, May 16, 2013

Too long

So I knew that I would eventually not keep up so well with the blog, but hey what can I say, I'm busy, OR at least I feel very busy. But I'll try to catch up on my oh so exciting life! Nothing major has happened and I think that is a blessing. I love nothing major weeks, months, and if you make it longer than that start really counting your blessings!

I am also sooo glad it has decided to become warm and seems to be staying that way (fingers crossed).
Both girls have had ear infections recently, I was quickly thrown back into memories of those nasty suckers when I was a kid. The kind where you just want to lay there and cry holding your ear. Oh how I do not miss that time. I wonder why as adults we seem to never get them? Needless to say we had antibiotics and that is over. So bring on the warm weather and fun in the water.

This past weekend on the 11th of May Aaron and I celebrated our 6 year anniversary and this Monday will be 10 years that we have been together. In some ways it's flown and in others it hasn't. How glad I am to have been with him all this time. So for our anniversary my mom watched the kids and we just went up to Rogers and had dinner at In and Out burger. I think their burgers are so good and we don't get to eat there much.  Then we just got a hotel room for the night. At 10:30 the fire alarms start going off. We grabbed all of our stuff (just a bag and my purse that were still pretty much packed) and headed for the emergency exit. Next thing you know here come the fire trucks. I guess some kids thought it would be funny to pull the alarm. I bet those were some embarrassed parents. All was well and we got to enjoy a night without waking up to kids. Aaron got me a bike trailer for my anniversary present! Hello workout! Pulling those kids took everything I had. But I think we will get a lot of use out of that thing.

Next on the list is Kayla's third birthday. In about a week and a half she is turning 3. She is really into sharks right now so we decided a trip to the Oklahoma Aquarium was in order. They have sharks that swim above you, she is going to love it.  Then we will just come home and celebrate with a cookie cake (she doesn't like cake she will only eat the frosting) and ice cream, and oh course PRESENTS.

Little miss Adalyn is growing so much as well. I told Kayla that we would soon have to stop calling he baby and call her a big girl too. She loves to dance to any music that she hears, wave be at all people, and go, go, go. I think the only time she is still is when her eyes are closed and she is snoozing. But I love that spirit about her, she wouldn't be her without it. Oh and she sings B-I-N-G-O.  It is too cute. She'll say B-I-O.

You can't convince me that children don't come with their own personalities. Each one of our kids has distinct characteristics that they have had since day one. Of course their environment shapes them too, but they are definitely born with certain qualities. It is so neat to watch and see.

Smile and see the good in the world!

Eating a banana (she's my fruit girl)

At the park, I just loved this picture.

Feeding the ducks at the park!

Sunday, March 31, 2013

Easter Testimony

Since it is Easter and all I thought I would write a post about Jesus Christ. I have been reading the gospels in the New Testament about the last week of the Savior's life and am in awe each time I read it of what it means for Him to be our Savior.  So much is encompassed in the Garden of Gesthemane and on the cross that it is beyond our mortal minds to truly comprehend it all, but the little we can comprehend I am truly grateful for.

I know that Jesus Christ did indeed walk upon this earth. That he came and was recognized by those who had humble hearts and minds. I know that he suffered in the Garden of Gesthemane and there took upon himself our sins. But not only our sins, our sorrows, our sadness, grief and pain that we may experience, thereby being able to understand every human emotion so in depth that he truly knows each of us and knows our trials. For this I am so grateful because we each have times when we feel like no one understand or can possibly know how we feel, but HE does. From there he was betrayed by a friend and led away to be tried. He was mocked, spit upon, whipped, and finally nailed to the cross. All without harsh words for those committing these acts against him, still being the perfect example of love and compassion. In fact he prays for these men and asks Heavenly Father to forgive them. Then he dies on the cross leaving his friends and family weeping and mourning.
I imagine Mary Magdalene as a friend who dearly misses Jesus going to sit at the tomb just to feel near him as I have done with my family after they have passed. We go to visit their resting places to feel close to them. So I imagine this is what Mary was doing.  But when she arrived the stone was rolled away and the tomb empty. She was so saddened thinking someone had taken his body. But then the most spectacular thing happened, there he was in front of her nail prints and all, a glorified resurrected being. He had just prepared the way for you and I to be able to return to live with our Father in Heaven, for each and every person to someday be able to be resurrected and return again to our Heavenly home. I can only imagine to tears of joy Mary cried as she ran to tell of the great news on that first Easter morning.

To quote a favorite hymn: I know that My Redeemer lives, what comfort this sweet sentence gives.
Jesus Christ is the Savior of the world, He is not dead, but lives and we too will live again. I testify that he knows each of us and wants us to be with Him. May we each have a blessed Easter day and celebrate it's true meaning.

Happy Easter

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Cable and Les MIserables

About a week ago we shut off the cable. We had been discussing this for a long time, but Aaron really wanted his news back then and we had a show or two we watched. But recently we can get all of that online or on our phones now so off the expensive and ever increasing cable went. I don't know why it was kind of tough to do. I rarely watch the thing in the day and about the only time we watched cable was when The Walking Dead was on and at night before we went to bed. But we did it.

We decided to get an apple tv. Kind of like a roku. So we still have our Netflix and we can stream shows wirelessly from the iMac, so it's nice. I don't think we'll miss it much.  My in laws may be doing the same thing soon because cable is so expensive.  I went to turn in the HD box (we got this when we threatened to cancel last year when our bill was going to jump about 40.00 for nothing, they gave us free HD for a year and no price jump), anywho a lady was in the store saying that her bill goes up but she sees no benefits are added things from it. The customer service rep just said that is just how it is.
They may not last long with that attitude.

So for Les Mis. We finally watched the new Les Miserable over the past two nights.  Thats right TWO nights because IT SUCKED. We forced ourselves to finish it thinking since there was so much hype and raving it must get better. Nope. The Les Mis with Liam Neeson and Uma Thurman, phenomenal movie. I don't mind a musical but literally singing every word was painful. The actors are top notch but they cannot sing, so that made for bad acting and bad singing.  Most of the time it felt like they were forcing words into the music that didn't really match. If I hadn't seen the other Les Mis I'm not sure it would have even come together, there wasn't much character development between Cozet and Jean Valjean nor between Cozet and the beau.  I was really disappointed and bored. Glad I didn't pay to see that in the theatre, I probably would have left.

On a different note I am sure ready for the cold to go and the warm to stay. I'm ready for Easter and the awesome celebration of Christ's resurrection. We decided to start a family tradition this year of visiting a loved ones grave each year on Easter and discussing death and the resurrection. I'm excited to do this. I think this year we are going to visit Aaron's grandpa Haney. I think we can really get the Easter message to our kids this way.

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Valentines, Snow, and the Temple

So there is lots to catch up on......
First, Valentines Day. Pretty low key, honestly I'm not a get me chocolate that I will devour and don't really need (not for weight purposes, but I don't need it because it's not healthy), or another stuffed animal to sit around. I do like flowers though, they are pretty and I can actually put them out and they look nice. So any who we had a pretty low key Valentines, I got a You Curl, I told Aaron I wanted one. One of my friend's Patricia told me about them and her hair looked so good I thought I would try it.  Maybe I just didn't do it right but it didn't work out too well. So I took it back. We got the girls balloons and some candy. Our ceiling in our living room goes all the way to the top floor so we thought it would be fun to let one of the helium balloons go and see how long it would take to fall. Kayla thought it was pretty funny!
Sideway,  but there's our balloon up there. 

I don't love the cold, but Kayla has been so eager to build a snow man. It finally snowed enough good packing snow that we made a tiny one in our bird bath. Kayla hated the snow getting packed on the bottom of her boots though, so she would get so frustrated walking around. I had to kick it off the bottom of her boots quite a bit, but all in all it was nice to actually get outside and play a bit. Plus, Aaron got to stay home. He had to work still, but we got to see him and play with him on his breaks.


Kicking the snow off

Yesterday we had the opportunity to go to the Oklahoma City Temple. For my non-mormon friends temples are a the House of the Lord, a place we consider to be sacred and more than just a church building. Here we are able to learn more about our Heavenly Father and reflect on our lives and our part in His plan. Here's a link for you more curious souls.

We have ben trying to go to the new temple in Kansas City, MO, but we had  sickness the first weekend and then I had obligations the next, then Kanas decided to have a blizzard so I just said let's just go to whatever one we can. I'm glad we decided to do this. I really enjoyed my time with just the two of us. We got to talk about all sorts of things from politics, to our jobs as parents, to spiritual things.

I wanted to mention a few things we discussed.
First, we both have political opinions and we can both be really passionate about our views on certain ones, but our ultimate conclusion was that the place in which we can do the most good in making real change in this world is within our own home. We see many people so engrossed in the newest political saga or talking point that it literally get's their blood boiling. Or others whom all they talk about it seems is this stuff (personally I feel to start arguments) I mean come on unless you know everyone who's seeing it agrees with you, you know an arguments going to happen. Anyways, my point is does all the ranting and typing and sharing really make a difference, or are you spending a lot of wasted time on that while things of more importance are slipping by unnoticed?
We also have decided to cancel cable. This is one of our ways to get our house more in order, not so much because we watch it too much, but more so because there's not much good to watch. So we are going to try apple tv and we have Netflix, so we will see how that works out.  I'm betting we won't miss it much.

What things in your life are maybe not bad, but for you personally may be something you need to take a step back from? Facebook, pinterest, tv, etc... It could even be things we wouldn't consider to be bad at all, do we feel the need to have our phone always within reach or must we check it at every buzz or ding? Kind of reminds me of Pavlov's dog's. We so quickly become conditioned. Maybe take a step back and feel how it feels to not be able to be contacted or found at every moment. Now I say this all pointing the finger at myself, that's why I share these are some realizations I am coming to, thought others may need them as well.
Have a great Week!!

Friday, February 15, 2013

Job and kids

This week I started my "job" if you can call it that, I do get paid and it does take me away from home, tutoring. I am having fun.  So much less stress than the full time gig of teaching, though I really miss that at times too. This week was parent teacher conferences and I was not at all envious of the teachers. Thee weeks are the most tiring. But the kids are great and sweet!! I really miss my girls while I am gone, but it is probably good for them to be with someone else (grandparents) instead of me all the time.

So if we're friends on facebook you may have seen the video of Adalyn walking.  YAY!! I love when they start to walk, life changes a lot, but in a good way (at least to me). She rarely wants to crawl, so she hold onto whatever is in reach to get from place to place crawling if she must. 
I always thought Kayla was quite honoree, but Adalyn is out doing her in that department. About three weeks ago she decided that she was no longer going to eat baby food in the jars.  Only table food. Then she refuses to drink from a sippy cup. What a stinker. But today Adalyn finished all of Kayla's chocolate milk out of her cup. Hmmm....

I know what your thinking all she talks about is kids kids kids!! Well they are my life so...

Kayla is starting to really crack me up. She speaks so well and says things all the time that just make me laugh.  The other day she stood on the table and said "Mom do I look crazy standing on this table?" What? Just had to laugh. Then we were talking about her smoke alarm in her room and how it makes a loud sound, etc.. I was asking her if she was scared of it and she informed me she was not "freaked out." HAHAH! She really likes sharks right now. Her and daddy play sharks and get in boats to get away from them. Also, if the shark is not nice it goes in time out!! HAHA. At least I know she knows what time out is for.  She also has her smarty pants side. She is often in trouble for talking back and she's only 2 1/2. Example:  She won't eat her diner so I tell her to put he drink down and eat or else I will have to take it away so she'll finish eating. Her response would be. "I'm going to take your drink away," I often have to turn away she doesn't see me laugh.  She's a mess. I guess it's all part of the learning process, what's okay and what's not. I think at this stage she's just doing a lot of mimicking so a lot of what I say is being used against me. 

Drinking out of KAyla's cup
And again

Daddy and Kayla playing piano

Saturday, February 2, 2013

1st birthday

So we just celebrated Adalyn's first birthday! My how they grow. I remember giving birth to her like it just happened. It's a scary (I'm about to be responsible for another life), yet awesome (I get to hold and snuggle this sweet brand new life) feeling. Soon she will be walking and we will hit a whole new phase. Aaron and I were discussing how you go through this all with the first one, but when you have the first one and then the second one is going through it, the phase changes a  bit due to the way you are experiencing it the second time.

I'm glad that we live right here with all of our closest family around. We get to share and experience it with them and they are always there to support us and help out. I love that!

Back to the birthday! So I woke up at 7:00, due to kids not my choice, and we did our normal morning routine, then I cleaned. I find it funny that we clean before company because you always have to clean again when they leave. Not to mention most people really don't pay to much attention to wether or not you have dust on your furniture or not. But I notice it I guess, so I cleaned and got all the stuff set out. We did simple sandwiches and cake and ice cream.  It was fun. Adalyn actually got messy with her cake, unlike Kayla who just cried on her first birthday when her hands got in it.  Talking and visiting with family is always fun.

So this next week I get to tutor kids after school at Parson Hills where I taught! I am super excited about this. It's a paying gig so that makes it just that much better, but I really love teaching and get lots of urges to be in a classroom.  To keep my teaching license valid I still have to do 60 hours of professional development a year. This is hard when your not associated with a school. Usually they have things going that help you get a lot of those hours, mine are all on my own.  BUT, the state has an online program that is great. Anyways, while I am doing that professional development, I always get ideas and find neat things that I want to put to use. So hopefully this will satisfy some of that longing. It's only three days a week for a couple of hours, so I wont miss to much time with my girls either. WIN-WIN.

                                                                    Before the party
                                 The spread. The picture is an autograph mat everyone signs for her
                                                               About to open gifts

autograph matte

the after party
LOts of pics!!!

Monday, January 28, 2013

Sickness and Back

So I feel like we have been sick around here for a couple months straight. Okay this might be a bit of an exaggeration but when children are involved it really feels like it drags on and on. We have had everything that has gone around. Adalyn had the flu a couple weeks back, thankfully no one else got that and hers was mild. And we had the stomach bug when that was going around, we all go that one. And this past week and a half the girls have awful coughs and Adalyn has had a fever along with some vomiting. The worst part though, NIGHTTIME. I feel like a walking zombie, with Adalyn waking up in the middle of the night and staying up for two hours or more. So ready for warmer weather.

On that note, I feel like pediatricians are a waist of my money and time most times that I take my kids. I pay to have them listen to their lungs, look in their ears, and mouth and tell me well they just have the crud that's going around. Maybe I am just stupid and don't know what I need to take my child in for, but a nasty cough that sounds like their lungs are coming up and a fever, I assume they may have something.  They didn't even test her for flu again, even though I have been hearing that it is coming back after a wek or two with a lot of people. Anywho, I really want a pediatrician that is the same each time I go and really knows my kids, so needless to say I am shopping around.

All that said today was a nice day weather wise, so we got out to enjoy!! I am looking forward to the summer time. Adalyn will be walking and we can get back out doors. Yay for that. I hate when we are so cooped up because it is so cold.

Next Saturday Adalyn turns ONE! I can't believe she is that big already. I still look at her like she's a baby until she does one of those more grown up things like climb up in a chair and sit and rock in it, or try to mimic what we say. She also likes to get markers and crayons her sister leaves down and open for her. Needless to say magic erasers are my best friend in these moments. Every mom should have a small stock of these puppies because they are a life saver at times, but be careful sometimes walls don't like them depending on the paint. Oh and I would add bleach to what you need in your home, it always makes me feel like the house is truly clean.

I'll post pictures later!


Saturday, January 19, 2013

Brand New!

I've been reading some blogs and decided to start my own. I have things I'd like to share, but don't feel that facebook is the place. SO here I can say what I want and it doesn't show up in your face like a facebook post. Not all of my "friends" on facebook would always agree with my opinions, so I try to be respectful of that and think of them.
SOO, if you read my posts it's your fault if you dont like what I say :) 

Another reason I wanted to blog was to have a journal of sorts.  I'm bad about writing in mine and maybe this I will be better at. We shall see.

I am a mother of two fantastic girls, and a wife to an amazing man. Our children are 2 and a half and 11 months. We live in northwest Arkansas and love it here. I grew up in Houston, Texas and moved to this area when I was 11.  Aaron (that husband I mentioned) has lived right here his whole life. We love northwest Arkansas though and are glad our home is here. I am a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. I joined the church when I was seventeen the summer before my senior year of high school. Best decision I have ever made. Who knows where life would have taken me without it. It is a major part of my life so of course it will be mentioned. I am opinionated though I try to be respectful of others opinions and know that someone will always disagree and that's okay. To far either way is bad, you must find a balance in all things. 

A little about each of us:
Me: I am a stay at home mom for now. I have my degree in early childhood education and still have a great passion to teach, but felt it was more important at this time to be with my kids. Being a mom is a tough job, but one with many rewards also.  I love to work on my genealogy and find out about my family, there is a certain thrill that comes with it.  If you've never researched your ancestors you should! 

Aaron: Owns a business called NuFangled images. It is a video/multimedia company.  He does lots of work transferring home videos from multiple facets of old technology, and much much more. Check out NOt to mention he works for a logistics company on top of that. He works a lot, but it's a tremendous blessing. He loves filming and editing. If he could do anything he would write and produce films,t hat is his real passion, but for now this is his road.

Kayla: Wow. She is 2 and a half right now, and such a joy. I can't believe she is already so big. We enjoy her sweet spirit. She loves to dance and sing, but her greatest joy READING! She has been a book worm since she was 9 months literally. We could lay her down and read a book to her and she would just look at the pictures and be into the book. Her favorite songs are twinkle twinkle little star, the itsy bitsy spider, Jesus wants me for a Sunbeam, and Come Coe ye Saints, We sing these every day.
I am so grateful Heavenly Father blessed us with her.

Adalyn: 11months old, and wow does the second grow ten times faster than the first. I feel like I just brought her home yesterday, then again I wouldn't do those first three months over again. She is about ready to walk and goes anywhere and everywhere she can. Especially the stairs. If the gate is not up she knows and she beelines it for them. She says mama, dada, and bye bye while waving. SHe tries to mimic other words but these are the clearest. Her tooth count is up to 6 now! If she hears music her body starts moving. We love to watch ehr bounce and dance. Her favorite food is vanilla wafers. 
Each child brings a new joy and she has definitely added that to our home. Kayla is her favorite person and they get along great!  

Have a fantastic week!
Adalyn has grown a bit.