I've been seeing a lot of negativity lately toward motherhood. The working mom or the not working mom alike. So I thought I'd give my take on it.
I've always known that I wanted to be a mom. It was something that I felt came natural to me. So deciding to have kids was a no brainer. When we were expecting our first child I was so excited and very nervous and scared all at the same time. I had some experience with kids so I knew how to do the basics. But there are a lot of things that you just don't think of.
I hardly get to take a shower without a little intruder and I definitely don't get to go to the bathroom alone anymore. If I am eating something you can bet some little finger will be slipping onto my plate or a sweet little voice begging for a bite, only to possibly spit it right out, to which I promptly must stop my meal to get something to clean it up. Oh and the music. I don't get to listen to MY music anymore we listen to kids songs or our primary CD. Sleep, well that's pretty much limited to 5-6 hours. You can also bet this post has taken me hours or even is spread over days to finish it, because there are two little humans that need my attention and love. I know this list sounds like I'm trying to persuade you not to have kids, LOL. But quite the opposite.
I wouldn't trade those things for the world. Sure some days I do wish I could just take a shower alone, or sleep through the night, etc.., but then I realize that someday these sweet kids will be all grown up and onto their own friends and life, and that I should cherish all these moments because they won't last forever.
Motherhood takes someone who is willing to give up a lot, to give to others pretty much continually. So when I read others degrading women for choosing to have kids or stay home, saying it is some form of suppression to womanhood, I laugh. If womanhood has become a working woman who is only measured by her status in the working world, that is also void of men who are just worthless human beings, no woman in her right mind needs, then you can count me out of that crowd. That doesn't represent womanhood to me.
Women, I believe, have different traits and qualities that make us a powerful force to be reckoned with without trying to prove in some way we are better than men or other women. Shouldn't we be untied in trying to buoy each other up and help us all aspire to what we can be?
Some moms work, some don't. Some are in school, some aren't. Each of us trying to do what is best for our families and to get along in this crazy world.
So to the women who think marriage and motherhood are for suckers, I guess I'm a sucker.
A sucker for a partner in life to stand side by side with and lean on during the difficult journey we call life, a sucker for unconditional love from little sweet children who forgive quickly and look at you as a superstar.
To those women who think we haven't achieved anything by being mothers, I say my children are counted as one of my greatest accomplishments in life. Because no matter what career you hold if there weren't moms raising the future your job would be null and void.
To all moms, hold your heads high be proud you chose to have kids, be proud if you stay home with them, be proud if you have to work to help your family out. Who cares if we are not measuring up to the worlds standard of greatness, because God is the one we are accountable to ultimately and he applauds you!