Thursday, May 16, 2013

Too long

So I knew that I would eventually not keep up so well with the blog, but hey what can I say, I'm busy, OR at least I feel very busy. But I'll try to catch up on my oh so exciting life! Nothing major has happened and I think that is a blessing. I love nothing major weeks, months, and if you make it longer than that start really counting your blessings!

I am also sooo glad it has decided to become warm and seems to be staying that way (fingers crossed).
Both girls have had ear infections recently, I was quickly thrown back into memories of those nasty suckers when I was a kid. The kind where you just want to lay there and cry holding your ear. Oh how I do not miss that time. I wonder why as adults we seem to never get them? Needless to say we had antibiotics and that is over. So bring on the warm weather and fun in the water.

This past weekend on the 11th of May Aaron and I celebrated our 6 year anniversary and this Monday will be 10 years that we have been together. In some ways it's flown and in others it hasn't. How glad I am to have been with him all this time. So for our anniversary my mom watched the kids and we just went up to Rogers and had dinner at In and Out burger. I think their burgers are so good and we don't get to eat there much.  Then we just got a hotel room for the night. At 10:30 the fire alarms start going off. We grabbed all of our stuff (just a bag and my purse that were still pretty much packed) and headed for the emergency exit. Next thing you know here come the fire trucks. I guess some kids thought it would be funny to pull the alarm. I bet those were some embarrassed parents. All was well and we got to enjoy a night without waking up to kids. Aaron got me a bike trailer for my anniversary present! Hello workout! Pulling those kids took everything I had. But I think we will get a lot of use out of that thing.

Next on the list is Kayla's third birthday. In about a week and a half she is turning 3. She is really into sharks right now so we decided a trip to the Oklahoma Aquarium was in order. They have sharks that swim above you, she is going to love it.  Then we will just come home and celebrate with a cookie cake (she doesn't like cake she will only eat the frosting) and ice cream, and oh course PRESENTS.

Little miss Adalyn is growing so much as well. I told Kayla that we would soon have to stop calling he baby and call her a big girl too. She loves to dance to any music that she hears, wave be at all people, and go, go, go. I think the only time she is still is when her eyes are closed and she is snoozing. But I love that spirit about her, she wouldn't be her without it. Oh and she sings B-I-N-G-O.  It is too cute. She'll say B-I-O.

You can't convince me that children don't come with their own personalities. Each one of our kids has distinct characteristics that they have had since day one. Of course their environment shapes them too, but they are definitely born with certain qualities. It is so neat to watch and see.

Smile and see the good in the world!

Eating a banana (she's my fruit girl)

At the park, I just loved this picture.

Feeding the ducks at the park!